LSAT Percentiles

Woman drawing a pie chart showing LSAT percentile rankings.

Why Your LSAT Percentile Matters

Scaled LSAT scores play a big role in the law school admissions process. However, your LSAT percentile rank, which shows how well you did on the exam compared to past test-takers, is an important factor too.

Most law schools only accept applicants who fall into a certain percentile, so knowing your ranking is essential to getting into your chosen institution.

LSAT Percentiles Explained

Learn How Ranking Works

Take a look at this post to discover helpful information on:

  • What LSAT score percentiles are
  • How to read your LSAT percentile scores
  • What constitutes a good LSAT percentile rank
  • Common law school acceptance rates for each LSAT percentile

We'll also provide a table of LSAT scores and percentiles so you can see what scores you need to help your test results rank higher and be more attractive to law schools.

Improve Your LSAT Score

Test Results

Raw Scores, Scaled Scores, & Percentile Ranking

Along with your LSAT raw and scaled scores, your official test results will include your percentile ranking. Percentile scores reveal how well you did compared to those who took the LSAT in the previous three years.

Law schools use this information when publishing data about their acceptance rates, so understanding your rank can help you weigh the odds of getting into your chosen program.

Reading Your Report

General vs. School Specific LSAT Percentiles

When you receive your official exam results, there are two different types of LSAT percentile scores you need to consider:

  1. General Percentiles: Your score's general percentile rank shows the percentage of test-takers who scored lower than you during the last three years of LSAT exams. LSAT scores range between 120 and 180, making 152 the median score. Therefore, if you earn a 152 on the test, you will have scored better than 50% of students who took the LSAT in those previous three years.
  2. School Specific Percentiles: While general percentile scores give you an overview of how your LSAT results compare to the scores of other students, school-specific percentiles tell you what scores your target schools typically accept.

Since the LSAC makes small changes to the LSAT questions and format each year, they analyze tests from previous years for better accuracy. However, the results show relatively small shifts in score and percentile differences.

Evaluating Your Results

What Is a Good LSAT Percentile?

Typically, scoring between the 50th and 75th percentile will increase your chances of law school acceptance. However, like with all standardized tests, a good LSAT percentile is the one that gets you into the program of your choice.

Aim for a score high enough to compete with the top applicants at your target school, or learn the institution's school-specific percentile and try to score within that range.

LSAT Study Resources

Law Schools & Percentiles

The Admissions Process & Your Ranking

Your LSAT percentile score is similar to your numerical score in that it predicts how likely you are to succeed in your chosen law school program. Even the smallest difference in points can largely impact your overall percentile ranking, so LSAT test prep is crucial to earning the best possible scaled and percentile scores.

Law School Acceptance Rates

What Percentiles Law Programs Look For

Acceptable LSAT percentile ranks vary across different law schools, so you'll need to research the school-specific standards for your chosen programs to learn what scores you need for your application to be successful. Common acceptance rates for each percentile are as follows:

  • 25th Percentile: If you fall into a school’s 25th percentile, you only scored better than 25% of the students who have already enrolled in that program. Scores in this percentile rarely make a good impression on law school admissions committees, so earning a ranking of 25% would be less than ideal.
  • 50th Percentile: Landing in the school’s 50th percentile means you scored higher than half of the students who are currently enrolled in the program. Since earning an average score shows that you've essentially met the minimum requirements, you have a 50/50 chance of acceptance into the school.
  • 75th Percentile: Scores in the 75th percentile and above are the most promising results and have the highest rate of acceptance. If you score in the 75th percentile, consider applying to higher-ranked schools to see if they offer more opportunities than a lower-ranking institution.

Whether you land in the 25th percentile or the 95th percentile, it's important to remember that other details on your application can increase your chances of law school acceptance.

Factors like a high GPA, extracurricular involvement, legal internships, strong recommendations, or a well-written personal statement can impress admissions committees and help you get into your chosen school.

LSAT Percentiles Table

Calculating Your Ranking

Slight changes in raw and scaled scores can have a significant effect on your LSAT scoring percentile. A single point could be the difference between meeting your chosen law school's standards and deciding to retake the LSAT exam and try for a higher score.

Take a look at the following table from the 2014-2017 testing years to see the percentile rankings for each reported score.

LSAT Scores & Percentiles

Reported Score Percentile Reported Score Percentile
180 99.9 149 40.5
179 99.9 148 36.9
178 99.9 147 33.4
177 99.8 146 29.9
176 99.7 145 26.8
175 99.6 144 23.5
174 99.4 143 20.8
173 99.1 142 18.3
172 98.7 141 15.8
171 98.2 140 13.6
170 97.5 139 11.6
169 96.6 138 9.9
168 95.6 137 8.3
167 94.4 136 6.9
166 93.0 135 5.7
165 91.7 134 4.8
164 89.6 133 3.9
163 87.3 132 3.1
162 85.2 131 2.5
161 82.7 130 2.0
160 80.1 129 1.6
159 77.1 128 1.3
158 73.8 127 1.0
157 70.6 126 0.8
156 67.0 125 0.6
155 63.4 124 0.5
154 59.6 123 0.4
153 55.8 122 0.3
152 51.8 121 0.3
151 48.1 120 0.0
150 44.7  


LSAT-Flex Scores and Percentiles

Test Format Considerations in the Admissions Process

Those who take the LSAT-Flex exam receive the same 120-180 scoring range and percentile ranking as those who take the test in person. However, the LSAC notes on your score report that you took the online, remote proctored version of the exam. Some law schools may be willing to take the test format into account when considering your LSAT scores and percentile rankings.

Study Resources

Online Test Prep

LSAT Study Guide

LSAT Scoring Breakdown

LSAT-Flex Score Conversion
